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CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: Congressmen Seek Investigation After Military Records’ Improper Release

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) and Rep. Zach Nunn (R-Iowa) are calling for an investigation after learning their military records were handed over to a Democratic opposition research company and used in an attempt to defeat them at the polls. Bacon said a statement to Politico:

“I understand the evidence has been turned over to the Department of Justice and I expect those who break the law to be prosecuted.”

“This was more than just ‘dirty tricks’ by Democrat operatives, but likely violations of the law.”

That sounds good, but when Democrats are called on to investigate themselves, you could expect in one hand and crap in the other and which hand do you think will get full the fastest?

Nunn added:

“The recent targeting of Members of Congress’s personnel, military records [and] the breach of sensitive data taken by political hacks isn’t only a violation of public trust — it’s criminal.” 

Bacon is calling for a full investigation of Due Diligence, the opposition research firm that received the records through their employee, Abraham Payton. Payton improperly requested the information and the Air Force improperly authorized the request. In all, Payton requested the records of 11 Air Force personnel. House Democrats have given Due Diligence $ 100,000 between January of 2021 and December of 2022.

A letter to Bacon, from United States Air Force Major General Troy Dunn reads in part:

“The Air Force Personnel Center Military Records Branch received multiple requests from Abraham Payton, Background Investigative Analyst with Due Diligence, LLC, for your military records.”

“[Payton] inappropriately requested copies of your military records.”

From The Blaze

Payton, Politico reports, already had Bacon’s Social Security number when he made the request for Bacon’s personnel records. Payton formerly served as research director for a Democratic political group called American Bridge.

The letter to Bacon goes on to outline the measures the Air Force took to help ensure the unauthorized release of personally identifiable information did not occur again. The letter also states that investigation of the matter determined “there was no criminal action or malicious intent by the [Air Force] employee in the records breach.”

The Air Force reportedly informed both Bacon and Nunn of the “unauthorized release” of their military records.

Last week, Bacon was put in charge of leading a new House Armed Services subcommittee called the “quality of life panel.” The panel is charged with addressing the unique challenges military families face that may cause them to leave the service or some never to join at all.

Anyone who thinks that Payton or anyone else will pay a price for these crimes will be sorely disappointed.





One Response

  1. There truly is no law the left won’t violate to “win” (read steal) elections. Those record are supposed to be private & secured, without proper “probable cause” & warrants, for law enforcement to access them, only.

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