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FBI Targeted Employees with Military Ties, Pro-Trump Views

New evidence from whistleblowers has revealed that the FBI’s top brass labels agents with conservative views “disloyal” to the United States. Insiders told the House Judiciary Committee that these agents have faced retaliation and profiling due to their support of President Trump and past military service, as reported by The Washington Times.

Republicans are citing this testimony as further proof that the FBI has been politicized under President Biden’s administration. It is alleged that Jeffrey Veltri, deputy assistant director of the bureau’s security division, and Dena Perkins, assistant section chief, targeted employees who had right-wing or pro-Trump views.

Such signs used by the FBI to identify “disloyal” agents include opposing COVID vaccinations and masks, as well as harboring religious views – a reference to an infamous since-retracted memo that identified “radical” Catholics as a threat.

The whistleblowers also claimed that agents suspected of “disloyalty” had their security clearances taken away without cause.

This revelation highlights another example of corruption within the FBI and adds more fuel to allegations of political bias within its ranks.

“In these cases there was no indication that any of the individuals had any affiliation to a foreign power or held any belief against the United States,” the whistleblower disclosure said.

In one instance, Perkins ordered ten different police departments to search for evidence that a Marine veteran employee was in violation of the law or had demonstrated “disloyalty” to the United States.

This occurred in an effort to create a reason for her dismissal. Two individuals identified as Kyle Seraphin and Garrett O’Boyle, both of whom have previously spoken out about alleged FBI targeting of conservatives, were among those targeted.

According to an employee from the security division, Seraphin’s security clearance investigation did not adhere to standard policy.

In particular, it was opened after a police officer questioned him concerning his use of a gun range and his local FBI office contacted Perkins regarding this incident.

Additionally, O’Boyle lost his security clearance following his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee subpanel on weaponization by government entities and was demoted and suspended without pay; leading to homelessness for him and his family. The whistleblowers allege that Perkins and Clark were responsible for this retaliatory behavior.

“I didn’t even know these people, but they came after me anyway because that’s what tyrants do. They come after the people who they’re afraid of,” O’Boyle told the Washington Times. “They come after the people who speak the truth.”

The FBI released a furious statement condemning the Washington Times’ “irresponsible” reporting.

“It is wholly irresponsible of The Washington Times, and this reporter, to include outrageous and demonstrably false allegations that the FBI singled out former military employees,” the agency said.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has frequently been criticized for alleged discrimination against political adversaries under the guise of domestic safety, similar to the tactics employed by the KGB or Stasi.

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4 Responses

  1. Robert Müeller, Jim Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Robert Cessario, Charles McGonigal, Jim Baker, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, Rob Rosenstein, Michael Horowitz, Tim Thibault and Andrew McCabe have ushered in the new level of competency, integrity, honesty, transparency and trust to the FBI. BTW, have they lost Hunter Biden’s laptop yet.

  2. We should begin publicly chastising the federal government for its lack of political diversity. In particular, we should call on all Democrats to call for ALL federal government agencies to reflect political diversity that reflects the citizenry. Specifically, we should force them to publicly support legislation that requires all federal agencies to meet quotas that reflect the political diversity of the citizens in this country.

    Let the squirming begin.

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