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Hunter Biden’s ‘Art Dealer’ Called Joe Biden and Met With Him at the White House

Hmm. This is interesting. Hunter’s art dealer called Joe Biden  and later met him at the White House. This is yet another business deal of Hunter’s that Joe got himself involved in. The art dealer who handled the sale of Hunter Biden’s alleged art, Georges Berges, testified under oath that he called Joe Biden and arranged a meeting at the White House. The Biden White House claimed that there were all sorts of ethics measures in place to avoid the appearance of any corruption but it now looks like that was a total lie. Surprise!

Just the News reports:

Art dealer told Congress that Joe Biden called and met him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings

The art dealer who sold Hunter Biden’s paintings told Congress that President Joe Biden both called and met him at the White House as he was pitching Hunter’s artwork and that the first son also made an unusual request to be informed about who bought his pieces, according to testimony that directly undercuts the White House narrative on the sales.

The Biden White House repeatedly told the public that Hunter Biden’s art sales were covered by an ethics agreement to ensure they were arms-length and that the first family — Hunter included — was blinded to the identity of buyers.

But George Berges, owner of the prestigious Berges art galleries based in New York and Berlin that sold Hunter Biden’s painting from 2020 to 2023, told congressional impeachment investigators that the first son likely knew the identity of 70% of the buyers – the largest who were Democrat donors – and that Hunter Biden’s first contract made an unusual request when the relationship started.

Ward Clark comments at RedState:

This is another piece of evidence as to the nature of the Biden crime family; Joe Biden is the most corrupt political figure in American history since Huey Long, and considering that’s an aggregation that includes Bill and Hillary Clinton, that’s really saying something. As for whether those chickens ever come home to roost, that’s anyone’s guess. Sure, the House has initiated an impeachment investigation, and sure, Hunter is being dragged in to testify to Congress — and we have covered all of those Hunter Biden issues and more into the bargain right here in these virtual pages. But will any of the Bidens see any real consequences from any of these shenanigans?

From HOC

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement on the committee’s transcribed interview with Georges Bergès, Hunter Biden’s art gallerist:

“The Biden White House appears to have deceived the American people about facilitating an ethics agreement governing the sale of Hunter Biden’s art. Hunter Biden’s gallerist never had any communication with the White House about such an agreement to make sure there was any sort of ethics compliance at all, and he provided information to the committee revealing how Hunter Biden’s amateur art career is an ethics nightmare. The vast majority of Hunter Biden’s art has been purchased by Democrat donors, one of whom was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission after she purchased Hunter Biden’s art for tens of thousands of dollars shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration. The White House has a lot of explaining to do about misleading the American people.”




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