Rocci Stucci Media

Ex-MSNBC Host Says She Couldn’t Criticize Hillary Clinton Without President’s Approval

Krystal Ball, former co-host for MSNBC’s “The Cycle” and former Democratic Party congressional candidate, said that she was called onto the carpet back in 2014 because she criticized Hillary Clinton. She was then informed that before she could criticize Hillary again, she would have to submit it to the president of the network. Forgive me for suggesting this, but isn’t that election interference? It is time that broadcast stations be held responsible for their actions.

Ball, 41, told Joe Rogan:

“I did this whole thing that was like, ‘She sold out to Wall Street. People are gonna hate this lady. She’s like the terrible candidate for the moment. Please don’t run.'”

“I was allowed to say it. I deliver my thing. I did it exactly how I wanted to do it. Afterward, I get pulled into an office.”

Ball said that her monologue was approved before she delivered it on her show. Ball said that she was told that in the future, she would have to submit it to MSNBC President Phil Griffin before saying anything negative about Hillary Clinton. Ball says that affected the way she talked about Hillary after she was flogged for her previous comment. Ironically, the time has proven she was right because Clinton was a terrible candidate. Hillary is still angry that Democrats didn’t start cheating wholesale until after she lost.

From The Blaze

Ball explained that she was told that the next time she wanted to make any commentary on Clinton, she would have to get approval from the network president, who, at that time, was Phil Griffin.

Ball noted that she did comment on Clinton in later broadcasts but that the reprimand affected how critical she was of the presidential candidate.

“I did further Hillary Clinton commentary, there’s no doubt about it. But I would love to say that didn’t affect me, and I was just there to be a truth teller,” Ball continued. “But, listen, I’m a human being. I’m sure I responded to the incentives in that system of, like, ‘God, I don’t want to get in trouble with the boss.'”

“For sure,” Rogan responded.

“That’s a very blatant example, but oftentimes people know where the boundaries are. They know what they’re allowed to say, and so they don’t need that direct intervention of censorship,” she added.

Ball noted that most individuals working in cable news get the position because “they are reliable purveyors of whatever it is that that network wants to purvey,” not because they have talent.

“That’s ultimately why they get the job, and they understand the parameters of the task,” she stated.

MSNBC did not respond to a request for comment, the Post reported.

I am sure the same rule applies to criticism of Joe Biden.




3 Responses

  1. YEP, just another example of the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propaganda mechanism designed to destroy America and establish this nation as a puppet state of the global dictatorship they desire!!!!!!!!!!

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