Rocci Stucci Media

Fox News Demands Campaign Change Ad Featuring Tucker Carlson

It’s no secret that Fox News has been trying to distance itself from its former star, Tucker Carlson. The network has rejected an ad for a presidential campaign because it featured video of him, and according to biographer Chadwick Moore, nine members of the old team have found their way out of Fox and joined Carlson in his post-network venture.

“Also, quietly, many familiar faces from Tucker Carlson Tonight are refusing to appear on Fox News since Tucker was bizarrely pulled off the air—and not just the ones who got blacklisted for writing a book about him!” Moore added.

“Tucker Carlson’s team at Fox was extremely close. Most of them were there from the launch of the show until it’s end, and they’ve stood by their boss in the aftermath.”

This is despite the fact that Carlson had been integral to Fox News’ success over the past few years. In addition, Alex McCaskill, a 10-year Fox News veteran and major behind-the-scenes collaborator with Carlson, recently left after posting a chyron referring to President Joe Biden as a “wannabe dictator.”

The campaign of Miami, Florida Mayor Francis Suarez, who recently joined the contest for the Republican presidential nomination, submitted an ad that featured Carlson and the network demanded it be changed, Chapin Fay of SOS America PAC, whose company created he ad, said to Newsmax host Eric Bolling on “The Balance” on Friday.

He told Bolling that the network demanded they remove “all images and video of Tucker Carlson,” and any “violent crime scene footage that included guns or shootings, or they wouldn’t air the ad.”

This news reflects yet another example of how liberal politics are increasingly seeping into mainstream media outlets like Fox News, resulting in the censorship of conservative voices who express ideas and opinions contrary to the leftist narrative.

It appears that while much attention is given to ‘cancel culture’ on college campuses or social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, mainstream news networks are not immune from political censorship either.

It is becoming more difficult for people with dissenting views to find a platform where they can speak freely without fear of retribution or being “canceled” by powerful corporations or organizations.

In light of this news about Tucker Carlson being “erased” from Fox News following his departure, it is time we recognize how serious a problem this kind of censorship really is – especially when it comes from powerful organizations like major TV networks.

We must stand up against any attempts to stifle free speech so that all voices can be heard regardless of political affiliation or beliefs.

Otherwise, we risk creating an environment where only one side’s perspective can dominate public discourse.




6 Responses

  1. “Mainstream” networks are not “public discourse”. Start calling them what they are: government media, Mockingbird Media, NyetPravda (not truth). I like Mockingbird Media because it’s a historical reference, has the CIA connection, and an insinuation of Stalnist control of media.

  2. No watch Fox to see who their sponsors are, then refuse to buy from the sponsors.

  3. Only one thing goes through my mind endlessly now, daily, “The elimination of every last leftist Liberal, aka ‘Lucifarians’ from the American soil FOREVER. The sooner this happens, the better!

  • Decide Right

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