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RINO McCarthy Says Ashli Babbitt was a Righteous Kill

Here we go again. RINO Kevin McCarthy claims that Lt. Michael Byrd’s killing of unarmed Ashli babbitt was justified. President Trump on the other hand calls it just what it was, murder. Babbitt was unarmed and not threatening anyone when she was shot down in cold blood by an officer with a checkered past. Byrd was exonerated despite the fact that he was never questioned about the shooting.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and former President Donald Trump have both declared that the death of Ashli Babbitt was murder. Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy disagrees. He believes that Babbitt deserved to be shot and killed. He says the officer was just doing his job.

Trump, who is running for president again posted on TRUTH Social That he strongly disagrees with McCarthy. Trump had endorsed McCarthy for Speaker as did Marjorie Taylor Greene, and she also disagrees with McCarthy.

Trump said:

“I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, in that the Police Officer ‘Thug,’ who has had a very checkered past to begin with, was not just ‘doing his job’ when he shot and killed Great Patriot Ashli Babbitt at point blank range. Despite trying to keep him anonymous, shielded, and protected, this MISFIT proudly showed up on NBC Fake Nightly News ‘bragging’ about the killing. He was not a hero but a COWARD, who wanted to show how tough he was. ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!”

The U.S. Capitol Police Office of Professional Responsibility ruled that the officer’s behavior was both legal and followed department regulations. He was a Black male who shot and killed a white female. Using liberal logic makes him both a racist and a misogynist. Where is the outrage when it is truly needed? And why did they not interrogate Byrd? Were they afraid of what he might say? It’s possible and to top it off, the government put him up in a luxury apartment in order to make sure he remained safe.

Greene tweeted:

“I’ve watched the videos of Ashli Babbit’s murder. Yes, she was inside the Capitol, but the only violence she committed was punching another J6’er in the face after he broke the window. Not an officer or lawmaker, she punched a J6’er & tried to stop them, then Byrd shot her.”

From The Blaze

Noting that Greene said Babbitt had been murdered, someone asked McCarthy whether he believed that Babbitt was murdered or if he thought that the officer was performing his job. McCarthy responded by saying that he thought the “officer did his job.”

Trump, who is running for president again, took to Truth Social to disagree with McCarthy, who he recently supported during a speaker election last month. Greene had also backed McCarthy during the drawn-out process. McCarthy finally clinched the speakership on the 15th round of voting.

Babbitt was fatally shot by Lt. Michael Byrd during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The U.S. Capitol Police Office of Professional Responsibility ruled that the officer’s behavior was both legal and within department policy, according to a press release. “The officer’s actions were consistent with the officer’s training and USCP policies and procedures,” the press release states.





14 Responses

  1. How can anyone say that? There are so many other no lethal methods to stop someone than to just outright kill them at point blank range. What has happened to this nations morals?

  2. The death of Babbitt is tragic! However, she was breaking into a room where government officials were seeking safety. They did not know if she was armed or not. She was an intruder. If someone was breaking ino my house through a window, I would not wait to see if they were armed and would shoot before I had a chance to defend myself and family.
    The officer was doing his job in protecting those who had taken refuge in the sealed room.

  3. We watched a live video, which was almost immediately removed, of the murder on Jan 6. Ashli Babbitt looked as if she was trying to prevent people from climbing through the broken windows. The entire time the video showed a forearm with hand holding a gun protruding through a doorway. It seemed like it lasted for an hour although it was probably only a few minutes before the hand fired the gun. Ashli looked as if she was helping police not causing any problems. There were no people in danger, the video showed only one armed person and that was the cop who shot her. We watched the video over and over in disbelief and then it disappeared. McCarthy needs to go.

  4. I guess it’s okay for black cops to shoot unarmed females anytime they want because they feel jeopardize. He should be really proud to killing a unarmed female he should be in jail for Murder.
    Free ride for a Black man no criminal charges filed or grand jury investigation just let this Black murdering prick off. He should be in jail with all the other murders who kill unarmed people.
    Democrats cover up again their crooked crimes. This democrat party is destroying America. The government is so corrupt it needs to be completely defunded

  5. Speaker McCarthy will be former Speaker McCarthy if he keeps this nonsense up. Trump and MTG are right: the killing of Ashli Babbit was murder. McCarthy needs to be confined to a room and forced to read Julie Kelly’s book January 6 and Julie Kelly’s many articles on this subject published at American Greatness. We should have now the 14,000 hours of Capitol Buiding video being hidden by the DOJ. But we don’t because the video will show January 6 was no insurrection, and we will be able to figure out that it was FBI instigated piece of communist theater. We should be demanding now that the DC communist gulag of January 6 prisoners be shut down, the DOJ attorneys responsible for what have been political prosecutions be fired, and the DC judges enforcing what is political persecution be impeached.


  7. This is racism, a pass because it was a black cop. George Floyd died in police custody while being arrested for committing his last crime and the left called that racism, gave his family $27 Million and built him a memorial, he was a career criminal. Ashli was a patriot, a Veteran, White, female, unarmed and was in DC because many people don’t trust our government and the election process. She was still serving ‘we the people’, our country, a true hero. And she was murdered. And McCarthy is weak and wrong on this.

  8. McCarthy is no good & I always knew this but yet, Trump & MTG supported him for Speaker. I will not support trump again or MTG.

  9. This is the Deep State Protecting this Coward for killing a unarmed Woman!!! If this isn’t Racist what is? What if this would have been a black woman killed by a White Cop I bet this would not be called an officer just doing his duty anyone want to bet!!!

  10. The killing of Ashley Babbitt was not justified. RINO McCarthy is barking up the wrong tree. Babbitt was unarmed, and this officer’s life was not in any danger. Had this been an unarmed African American woman, Marxist BLM would have torn DC apart, and they would have been rioting all over the country. There will be no one to riot for Babbitt, or avenge the death of Babbitt. Some of the capitol Police are weak minded individuals, that shouldn’t be on the force in the first place. RINO McCarthy is looking to be disrespected, this is the way to. go. I would go as far as to say, McCarthy keep going the way he is going, I will sit out the next election. I would rather see a 2nd American Revolution, than America on it’s present course of destruction, run by a bunch of imbecils. Republicans have been noted for years, to talk the talk, and they can’t walk the walk. RINO McCarthy should explain, how he Republicans are going to hold people accountable, and get anything done, to secure the border, tackle inflation, and soaring crime rates, when the Senate is in the hands of the liberal commie Democrats. The loss of the Senate to the Democrats, is directly due to the RNC and RINO Mitch. If things don’t change for the better, than the voters will know as always that the Republicans are (FOS).

  11. Put yourself in the officer’s position, with the Capitol being violently breached and he is charged with defending it. I’m very sorry for Ashley Babbitt, an American patriot, who paid with her life for trying to get to the legislators and bringing to them the message of the stolen 2020 election. I could not fault the officer, except that he gave no warning before shooting.

  12. there was a person dressed in black directly behind Babbit. after she fell he was seen (and filmed) in the hallway changing his clothes.

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