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Top Hunter Biden Associate Set To Turn Over Docs To House Oversight, Republicans Say

Hunter Biden has refused to supply House investigators with documents pertaining to his shady business deals with countries that hate us. But, House GOP members say that a longtime friend and business partner of Hunter’s will soon make documents available. Hunter Biden associate Eric Schwerin will be providing documents to the House Oversight Committee.  The committee, led by Chairman James Comer, requested Schwerin provide any records, documents, or communications that could help them as they investigate influence peddling that made millions for the Bidens.

According to a House Oversight Committee spokesperson:

“We have received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden. Oversight Committee staff will be in communication with them about Chairman Comer’s request. We are also in contact with Eric Schwerin’s attorney and expect him to start producing documents for the Oversight Committee soon.”

The White House denies that Joe Biden had any knowledge of Hunter Biden’d business deals and like everything else that comes for the occupied zone in Washington DC, it is utter rubbish. But, with the release of emails from Hunter’s laptop, we know that Joe met with multiple people with whom Hunter was partnering with. Remember, this is the same White House that claims that real wages are going up and the price of gas and oil for heating is going down, along with the price of groceries. They only tell the truth in the year in which Haley’s Comet appears, which is to say every 68 years.

Wednesday was the deadline for Schwerin, Hunter, and James Biden to provide documents to the Oversight Committee. It is likely that the committee will now subpoena the documents from Hunter and James Biden. But, Papa Joe and Merrick Garland will find an excuse to block any such subpoena. They will probably cite an ongoing investigation. They have been investigating Hunter Biden since 2018 and have never charged him with a crime and if he ever does get charged, I’m sure it will only be a misdemeanor,

From The New York Post:

First son Hunter Biden on Wednesday missed a midnight deadline to provide records about his overseas business interests to the House Oversight Committee — setting the stage for a subpoena and potential legal battle.

A committee spokesperson told The Post that Hunter attorney Abbe Lowell is still refusing to provide the records requested by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the panel’s chairman.

Similar requests were made by Comer of first brother James Biden and Eric Schwerin, a onetime business associate of Hunter Biden.

“We have received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden,” the spokesperson told The Post. “We are also in contact with Eric Schwerin’s attorney and expect him to start producing documents to the Oversight Committee soon.”

Neither Lowell nor reps for James Biden and Eric Schwerin immediately responded to requests for comment.

“Biden family members attempted to sell access around the world, including individuals who were connected to the Chinese Communist Party, to enrich themselves to the detriment of American interests,” the lawmaker said. “If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security.”





7 Responses

  1. Nothing like a bunch of crooks running the country! Thanks demorats! We will not forget! You’re gonna get it in the biden!

  2. What are the odds that Scherwin will suffer a heart attack or commit suicide like all of Hillary and Bill associates do?

  3. We know he’s compromised. Why else is he so soft on China and hell bent on dragging us into a war with Russia because of his dealings with Ukraine? He’s a national security threat now. He needs to answer to the American people.

  4. DONT UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM. THERES ENOUGH EVINDENCE {emails, photos, witness’s, statements from business associates} to prove Joe Biden is a liar and involved with Hunter and Jims business deals with other countries. Follow the money. There has to be some way to at least suspend Joe while this matter is solved. He is selling America out.

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