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Fetterman Was Hospitalized Because He Was Unable to Take Care of Himself

The never-ending saga of John Fetterman just keeps getting worse and it appears that his condition is on the downslope. First, he was hospitalized because he was light-headed. Just after his release, he went back in for what was described as clinical depression. But, slowly news has been leaked that paints an entirely different picture. Republicans had warned that Fetterman was not physically fit enough to serve. That prophecy is quickly being given credence by an ever-increasing majority.

It now appears that his lightheadedness was due to the fact that he is not able to take care of himself. He was not eating or drinking enough to sustain himself. He needs someone to take care of him. His wife decided to stay in Braddock, Pennsylvania. When Fetterman went in for clinical depression, she took off on a Canadian vacation. I don’t think she will be named wife of the year, do you?

Fetterman was sworn in as Senator on January 3 and kept a low profile until he was checked into the hospital for feeling light-headed. The tests came back negative and he was released just two days later. What the spokesman did not disclose was that Fetterman was diagnosed with depression. The following Monday, Fetterman went to see the Capitol doctor, who advised him to check himself in for clinical depression which he did. This man is not fit to sit in the Senate due to his health.

CNN reported in a little noticed report earlier this week that Fetterman was hospitalized because he was unable to take care of himself (excerpt):

“In someone who has pre-existing depression, it is possible that they may be more treatment resistant and have a history of failing medications. So as a result, they may require more aggressive treatment that can take several weeks and even into several months, depending on how they present,” said Dr. Daniel Bober, a psychiatrist in Hollywood, Florida.

“In someone who’s already had depression even before their stroke, this puts him at much greater risk and requires much more aggressive treatment,” Bober said.

Fetterman’s symptoms for depression included weight loss and loss of appetite, a source familiar with the matter said. He was not suicidal, the source said. His lack of eating and drinking water contributed to lightheadedness. He was hospitalized earlier this month in Washington, DC, after feeling lightheaded. His office said he had not had another stroke.

“Generally, the reason that someone presents to a hospital for a psychiatric condition like depression is because either they are acutely suicidal or they have been deemed unable to take care of themselves. And when I say unable to take care of themselves, I mean, their basic needs – food, hydration, hygiene – are all things that they’re required to do on a daily basis, and they are unable to do this due to the severity of their depression,” Bober said.

One reason to treat depression in the hospital is that care can happen faster. Doctors can try different approaches and pivot if something isn’t working, Cronenwett said.

Another reason is it’s safe.

“People with depression sometimes have trouble with activities of daily living. They may shut down or may stop eating. The hospital can support them in their activities of daily living. Some people may have thoughts about suicide, and the hospital can be a place of safety, while they are recovering,” Cronenwett said.

Trying to prop Fetterman up is cruel and unusual punishment for a man who has committed no crime. Ultimately, he will have to resign or be removed. Pennsylvania would then have to have a special election to determine who will complete his term. I see no other way.




16 Responses

  1. Never should have run in the first place. His wife just wanted to be in the lime light and she pulled every string imaginable. Now that the news has turned negative, where is she? CANADA.

    1. I agree. She doesn’t want to have to take care of him, so this tells me he will have to be taken to a nursing home since he is not able to care for himself. He never should have run for election. I can’t imagine how he won this election. It was evident he was unwell.

  2. I know he is a Democrat, but deserves to be taken care of by someone other than his limelight seeking wife. I wish him a speedy recovery.

  3. I think this was planned. Fetterman will abdicate leaving a democrat governor to nominate his replacement. Someone that will embrace everything the progressives want just like fetterman. Not sure why they didn’t do that to begin with knowing fetter man was compromised.

  4. Well sounds awful and I feel for him but now we have completed the Vegetable part of our Congress, They are all vegetables and on life support and its on our money

  5. His wife took off with their children to escape unwarranted media HARRASSMENT. The hospital and likely a rehap center will take care of him as did the VA for me when I suffered congestive heart failure.

    As a Christian, I pray for a speedy recovery for him. But I do believe he’s not fit for office.

  6. The corrupt PA governor will probably appoint his wife to replace him. After all, SHE is the thinking one pf the pair!

  7. The Democrap governor of PA won’t remove this olf. Like Biden, his wife and all those who have proped up this bafoon should be charged with elder abuse, tried, convicted and jailed and join Jill Biden in an ajoining cell. Featherduster should be confined for his own good.

  8. Just one of many reasons why I, as conservative veteran from California, have never visited Pennsylvania and never will. Too much black crime there, anyway, don’t you think? What a dump.

  9. Too many “moving parts” to this saga. There’s the “Schumer Majority,” the monthly family bills, the children’s schooling, Transportation, security, rental of location, security details (one at hospital, another with wife), plane tickets, living in other countries and the list just multiplies. Then there’s insurance contracts, private health care policies and other personal arrangements to care for…like one says…so many moving parts to this saga…is enough to literally tax ones ability to wrap ones head around this sad unfolding tale of human misery and health care. May God Bless the courage and ability of the family to stay together under these “storm clouds.” Amen. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. Kitchen Militias to decimate (really stupid Hegelian marxist philosophy and indoctrination and ideology). God Bless Mr. Fetterman and family.

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