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Georgia Grand Jury Did Uncover a Possible Crime, But Will Raffensperger’s Staffer be Indicted?

The Grand Jury in Georgia was unable to find President Trump guilty of any crimes, but will they recommend charges against Raffensperger’s assistant, Jordan Fuchs, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State, who is the one believed to have recorded the call be prosecuted by corrupt Never-Trumper Fulton County DA, Fanni Willis? Georgia has a one-party consent law to record conversations live or on the telephone. However, Fuchs is believed to have been in Florida at the time of the recording and in Florida, both parties must be aware of the recording.

The grand jury was put together by Willis in an attempt to once again try to charge President Trump with a crime. Once again, it was a train wreck by a corrupt prosecutor and it turned out to be a nothing burger. The recording was altered to make it appear that Trump had done something wrong and then they leaked it to the WaPo. They then destroyed the tape in an attempt to cover their deception. Fortunately, the recording was found on another computer that absolved Trump.

The entire theme of the trial was that Trump tried to overturn the election when in reality he was asking Raffensperger to look into voter fraud. Raffensperger claimed it was the most honest election in Georgia’s history, but he was lying through his teeth. President Trump hired former judge and Georgia Senator William Ligon’s report on 2020 Election issues, but Raffensperger ignored the mountain of evidence and certified the election anyway.

From The Gateway Pundit

President Trump lined up a call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on January 2, 2021.  President Trump had bucketloads of ballot and process issues identified in the state’s 2020 Election.

Raffensperger certified the uncertifiable election of 2020 in Georgia for Joe Biden giving Biden the win by 12,000 votes.  However, there were up to a million potential ballot issues with hundreds of thousands of issues identified by multiple experts.

President Trump hired an audit firm to audit the state’s results after the election and he and Georgia Senator and former judge William T. Ligon found hundreds of thousands of issues with the election results that were ignored by Secretary of State Raffensperger.

President Trump made a call to Raffensperger on January 2, 2021, asking Raffensperger to look at some of the items that were uncovered by his auditor.  There was plenty of evidence for a man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.

Instead of responding to President Trump’s issues as promised during the call, Raffensperger and his team taped the call without announcing that it was being taped and shared pieces of the call with the Washington Post.

However, Florida is a two-party consent state.

Florida recording law stipulates that it is a two-party consent state. In Florida, it is a criminal offense to use any device to record communications, whether they’re wire, oral or electronic, without the consent of everyone taking part in the communication. Fla. Stat. § 934.03(2)(d). This means that in Florida you are not legally allowed to record a conversation you are taking part in unless all parties are in agreement.

Favorito then shares at the 32:20 mark this shocking revelation:

Let me just add one more point to what you just said…but here’s the other thing.  There is one thing that is illegal about this call and that was the recording of the call, which the evidence indicates down here was the recording was made by the Assistant Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs when she was in Florida.  And that is, Florida is a two-way state and therefore recording of the call without notifying the parties, if you’re recording from a two-way state, that is a violation of federal law.

And that is one of the things that I believe Fanni Willis covered up and prevented the grand jury from knowing that information.  And if you remember it was generally accepted down here and in other circles that it was Jordan Fuchs who leaked the information to the Washington Post and distorted the story and then the Washington Post had to back peddle about what it had previously written about that call.


When asked about how he knew this, Favorito shares that “that’s where she was (Florida) at the time of the call.”

Favorito shares that there are social media posts showing that she was in Florida at the time of the call on January 2, 2021.




6 Responses

  1. Another Democrat “swing and a MISS”! Once again, despite their best efforts, Trump walks away CLEAN AS A WHISTLE from Georgia Democrat’s pursuit of any opportunity to “Get Trump”!

  2. Sounds to me like Jordan Fuchs needs some judicial punishment handed down in the form or Felony charges and conviction with at least a year behind bars and prohibited from every working in any Federal, State, County, city, or any other kind of Government work again.

  3. Again and again it is apparent that President Trump and America were cheated out of a second MAGA term.

    1. That is why , for 2024 , EVERY Conservative Patriots needs to fight harder and get EVERYONE they know to vote for President Trump !!! The asswipe socialist democrats , the CROOKED F.B.I. , the CROOKED DOJ and the FAKE and TRASHY opinion networks have done nothing , but go after President Trump . President Trump fought for US and OUR country ,,,,,,,,,, now fight for HIM !!!!

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